Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Terong panggang dgn tomat dan ricotta

2 eggplants, sliced
1/3 c olive oil
1 lb. 2 oz cherry tomatoes, halved
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
small basil leaves, to garnish

Preheat the broiler. Brush the eggplant slices with some of the oil. Grill the slices on both sides until they are brown, then lay them in a large, shallow baking dish that will fit under the broiler.

Heat the rest of the oil in a small saucepan, add the cherry tomatoes and garlic, then fry briefly until the tomatoes just start to soften. Pour the tomatoes over the eggplant, season well, and spoon the ricotta on top. Put the dish back under the broiler until the ricotta starts to bubble, then sprinkle the basil leave over the top.

Dari buku family foods.

Asparagus with bay scallops

Bay scallops and asparagus, di cah pake gelondongan black pepper, parsley flakes, 1 Tbs butter dan kecap maggi.

Brussells sprouts au gratin

Resepnya gampang, dapet dari sini.

Stamppot ala Santi

Kentang 1 kg (gw pake petite gold yukon)
Kale 500 gr
Smoked sausage sesuai selera
Margarine 50 gr
Susu 200 ml
Garam 2 sdt
Merica 1 sdt
Pala 1/2 sdt

Kentang dikupas dan dikukus 25 menit. Buang batang kale. Daun kale dan sosis dikukus sama2 3-5 menit.
Setelah kentang matang, haluskan bersama2 dgn susu, garam, merica, pala
Masukkan daun kale dan sosis dan aduk2 sampai semua tercampur.
Sajikan hangat.

Modify nya cuma: pas udah selesai, gue taburin keju parmesan, truss broil ampe kejunya garing.