Friday, February 23, 2007

Bubur Ayam Kampung

Utk ngobatin kangen ama bubur ayam kampung mang2 yg lewat.

-Bubur polos
-Kecap manis dan asin
-Fried onion beli di Asian grocery
-Kacang kedele (merk ini dijual di Meijer, Jewel, Kroger)
-Roasted chicken (yg dijual di grocery udah mateng satu ekor) di suwir2
-Seledri di iris tipis2
-Sambal kemiri
-Kerupuk dan emping

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Beef Stew

I have to slice the orange VERY thin next time.  And only a little bit of orange.

1 T oil
1 T butter
8 oz golden pearl onions, peeled
1/2 kilo daging stew (daging rendang), potong kotak2
1.25 c beef stock
2/3 c red wine
4 T chopped oregano (gue pake yg kering)
1 T sugar
1/2 jeruk
1 oz jamur
8 oz fresh plum tomatoes
cooked rice or fries, to serve

1. Panaskan oil dan butter di wajan besar. Masukkan onions, aduk2 sekitar 5 menit. Pindahkan ke mangkok.
2. Taruh wajan kembali ke atas api, masukkan daging sapi, bolak balik sampai kecoklatan.
3. Tuang kembali onions dan masukkan stock, wine, oreganto, sugar. Pindahkan seluruh isi wajan ke casserole dish.
4. Iris jeruk tipis memanjang, susun diatas daging. Panggang 1 jam 15 menit di oven bersuhu 350 F (175 C) tanpa ditutup.
5. 20 menit sebelum selesai dipanggang, taruh jamur dan tomat diatas daging.

Sarikaya Nanas

3 lembar roti tawar, sobek2
150 g nanas kaleng yg chunks, drain
3 telor
300 ml susu cair
1 sdt cinnamon
75 g gula palem
50 g gula pasir

1. Didihkan air dalam dandang. Spray mangkuk utk. mengukus.
2. Kocok telur, masukkan susu, cinnamon, gula palem dan gula pasir. Aduk sampai gula larut.
3. Taruh roti di mangkuk, masukkan bahan cair, taruh nanas diatasnya, hias dgn batangan cinnamon.
4. Kukus 30 menit sampai matang.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Makaroni & ayam panggang

3 c makaroni
1 T olive oil
6 T mentega
1 bawang bombay, iris2
6 oz jamur
Fillet ayam 3 potong (gw pake paha atas boneless skinless)
Bechamel Sauce (liat resep dibawah)
2/3 c keju parmesan
tomat besar 2 (gue pas kebetulan hari ini punyanya cuma tomat kecil2 jd pake itu), iris2 tipis.
oregano atau italian seasoning
garam, merica

1. Rebus air, masak pasta sampai agak empuk (kira2 7 menit). Angkat dari api, tiriskan, masukkan 2 T mentega. Campur.
2. Di panci agak besar, masukkan 4T mentega, panaskan sampai lumer, masukkan bawang bombay, aduk sampai layu, masukkan jamur dan ayam. Aduk2, masak sampai matang, masukkan garam & merica.
3. Masukkan 1 & 2 ke panci berisi Bechamel sauce. Aduk2 sampai rata. Pindahkan isi panci ke loyang yg sudah diolesi mentega. Taburkan keju parmesan diatasnya, hias dgn irisan tomat. Oleskan dgn olive oil, taburkan oregano/italian seasoning.
4. Panggang di api sedang selama 35 menit sampai atasnya kecoklatan.

Bechamel Sauce
Lelehkan 2 T mentega di panci besar, masukkan 1/4 c tepung terigu. Aduk2 sampai rata. Pelan2 masukkan 1 1/4 c susu hangat. Taburkan parsley dan 2 T bawang bombay yg telah di iris kecil2. Tambahkan garam, merica, dan pala bubuk. Aduk2 di api kecil.

Friday, February 09, 2007

White chocolate almond stacks

Elements by Lie Fhung at

Recipe from "Family Circle" Magazine (Nov. 29, 2006 issue). Originally the recipe calls for green food coloring and green glace cherries but I replaced it with red food coloring and maraschino cherries.

Makes: 30 bars. Prep: 20 minutes. REFRIGERATE: overnight.

12 ounces white chocolate
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1/2 t salt
1/2 t almond extract

6 large egs
1 1/4 c all-purpose flour
1/2 maraschino cherries, chopped
red liquid food coloring
1/4 c apple jelly
3 T heavy cream

1. Line two 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pans with nonstick foil, extending 2 inches over short ends.
2. Break up chocolate; in small bowl, microwave 6 ounces of the chocolate on HIGH for 1 minute; stir. Continue microwaving in 15-seconds intervals, stirring until melted.
3. Heat oven to 350 F. In large bowl, beat together butter, sugar, salt and almond extract until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. On low speed, beat in flour until blended; you should have about 5 cups batter. Stir in melted white chocolate untl smooth, then chopped cherries. Spread half the batter into one pan. Tint remaining batter with food coloring and evenly spread into second pan.
4. Bake layers at 350 F for 18 minutes, until toothpick inserted in the centers comes out clean. Transfer pans to wire racks; cool 10 minutes. Turn cakes out onto racks; remove foil; cool completely.
5. Place white layer on a baking sheet. Spread with apple jelly. Top with red layer. Cover with plastic wrap and place a baking sheet on top. Weigh down with cans to compress. Refrigerate overnight.
6. In small bowl, microwave remaining 6 ounces white chocolate and cream on HIGH for 1 minute; stir until melted. Remove wrap from layers; spread top with white chocolate mixture. Refrigerate, uncovered, 15 minutes. Trim edges. Cut crosswise in 10 strips, each about 1 inch wide. Cut each strip crosswise into thirds for a total of thirty 2.5 x 1-inch bars.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Teddy Bear Pancakes

Utk. b'fast anak2 tadi pagi. Pake resep pancake mana aja. Utk bentuk: pake cookie cutter metal, olesi mentega ato semprot pake non-stick spray (crisco ato PAM).