Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Apple tart

This is how to make your kitchen smelling good! Resep crust dari sini, resep isi nya dari majalah Family circle edisi Oct. 2006, apple meringue tart.

Modifikasi:  kurangin gula, ngga pake almond, dan instead of apple jelly buat glaze, I used apricot + rum.

Ratatouille ala Remy from Ratatouille

Resepnya dari sini. Modifikasinya: ngga pake bellpepper, pakein sosis turkey, ngga pake thyme krn lupa beli. Puree nya juga bikin dari scratch (tomat direbus, kupas, masukin fd processor, masak pake bawang putih). Wah anak2 yg lagi ter gila2 ama film Ratatouille, excited bgt ngeliat ini keluar dari oven... kocak banget...dan doyan banget pasti gara2 film.. kalo ga.. ga tau.. rasanya beneran fresh and light, cuma dibumbuin garam merica, other than bawang putih dan tomat.

Kita makannya pake couscous:

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Terong panggang dgn tomat dan ricotta

2 eggplants, sliced
1/3 c olive oil
1 lb. 2 oz cherry tomatoes, halved
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
small basil leaves, to garnish

Preheat the broiler. Brush the eggplant slices with some of the oil. Grill the slices on both sides until they are brown, then lay them in a large, shallow baking dish that will fit under the broiler.

Heat the rest of the oil in a small saucepan, add the cherry tomatoes and garlic, then fry briefly until the tomatoes just start to soften. Pour the tomatoes over the eggplant, season well, and spoon the ricotta on top. Put the dish back under the broiler until the ricotta starts to bubble, then sprinkle the basil leave over the top.

Dari buku family foods.

Asparagus with bay scallops

Bay scallops and asparagus, di cah pake gelondongan black pepper, parsley flakes, 1 Tbs butter dan kecap maggi.

Brussells sprouts au gratin

Resepnya gampang, dapet dari sini.

Stamppot ala Santi

Kentang 1 kg (gw pake petite gold yukon)
Kale 500 gr
Smoked sausage sesuai selera
Margarine 50 gr
Susu 200 ml
Garam 2 sdt
Merica 1 sdt
Pala 1/2 sdt

Kentang dikupas dan dikukus 25 menit. Buang batang kale. Daun kale dan sosis dikukus sama2 3-5 menit.
Setelah kentang matang, haluskan bersama2 dgn susu, garam, merica, pala
Masukkan daun kale dan sosis dan aduk2 sampai semua tercampur.
Sajikan hangat.

Modify nya cuma: pas udah selesai, gue taburin keju parmesan, truss broil ampe kejunya garing.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Cupcakes for Megyn

Topi, watering cans, strawberry gue pake icing decoration nya Wilton yg ready to use. Basenya pake fondant gue warna warni-in dan cetak pake biscuit cutter dan cookie cutter. Semua gue stacked together using cookie icing.

Resep orange buttercake dari buku Cupcakes by Pamela Clark, gue tambahin Wilton icing colors warna ROSE.

Adonan cupcakes siap dituang dan panggang:

Hiasan dibikin bbrp hari y.l. supaya fondantnya agak keras:

Saturday, August 25, 2007

kue & agar2

Gampang: cake mix pineapple - dingin-in, taburin buah2an (blueberries)... masak agar2, dingin-in sambil aduk2, tuang diatasnya kue, buru2 kulkasin..

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Raisin Waldorf Salad

Wkt itu dikirimin booklet resepnya Sun-Maid, trus iseng coba ini eeh.. enak.. seger... jadi bikin lagi, lagi, lagi...


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ayam masak habang, nasi kuning, tumis labu siam

Masukkan di rice cooker : santan sekaleng (600 ml), beras bersih 3 cup, tambahkan air sampai sebatas satu ruas jari tangan diatas beras, masukkan bubuk turmeric (kira2 1/2 tsp), 1 tsp garam, 2 lembar daun salam, 2 batang serai, 1/4 tsp cardamom powder, 3 butir cengkih, 1/4 tsp cinnamon. Aduk rata. Nyalakan rice cooker.

-Ayam potong2, bake terbuka 45 minutes di oven 350 F.

Bumbu halus (masukkan semua ke food processor):
15 T bawang merah goreng
7 T bawang putih goreng
2 T Sambal Oelek
1 T brown sugar
1 t granulated sugar
1 t garam
1/4 t cinnamon bubuk
1/4 t ginger bubuk
1 T air asam jawa (Thai tamarind + air panas)
1 t terasi goreng

Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, masukkan ayam yg sudah di-bake, aduk rata. Kecilkan apinya hingga bumbu agak kering. Jangan lupa aduk2 terus spy bumbunya ngga gosong. Angkat

2 labu siam potong korek api
5 bawang merah (red pearl onion) iris tipis2
2 bawang putih iris tipis2
3-4 cabe jalapeno segar, iris2

Tumis bawang merah putih + cabe sampai harum, masukkan labu siam. Kasih garam, aduk2 hingga labu siam matang.

Pelengkap: Abon Gloria :).

Friday, February 23, 2007

Bubur Ayam Kampung

Utk ngobatin kangen ama bubur ayam kampung mang2 yg lewat.

-Bubur polos
-Kecap manis dan asin
-Fried onion beli di Asian grocery
-Kacang kedele (merk ini dijual di Meijer, Jewel, Kroger)
-Roasted chicken (yg dijual di grocery udah mateng satu ekor) di suwir2
-Seledri di iris tipis2
-Sambal kemiri
-Kerupuk dan emping

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Beef Stew

I have to slice the orange VERY thin next time.  And only a little bit of orange.

1 T oil
1 T butter
8 oz golden pearl onions, peeled
1/2 kilo daging stew (daging rendang), potong kotak2
1.25 c beef stock
2/3 c red wine
4 T chopped oregano (gue pake yg kering)
1 T sugar
1/2 jeruk
1 oz jamur
8 oz fresh plum tomatoes
cooked rice or fries, to serve

1. Panaskan oil dan butter di wajan besar. Masukkan onions, aduk2 sekitar 5 menit. Pindahkan ke mangkok.
2. Taruh wajan kembali ke atas api, masukkan daging sapi, bolak balik sampai kecoklatan.
3. Tuang kembali onions dan masukkan stock, wine, oreganto, sugar. Pindahkan seluruh isi wajan ke casserole dish.
4. Iris jeruk tipis memanjang, susun diatas daging. Panggang 1 jam 15 menit di oven bersuhu 350 F (175 C) tanpa ditutup.
5. 20 menit sebelum selesai dipanggang, taruh jamur dan tomat diatas daging.

Sarikaya Nanas

3 lembar roti tawar, sobek2
150 g nanas kaleng yg chunks, drain
3 telor
300 ml susu cair
1 sdt cinnamon
75 g gula palem
50 g gula pasir

1. Didihkan air dalam dandang. Spray mangkuk utk. mengukus.
2. Kocok telur, masukkan susu, cinnamon, gula palem dan gula pasir. Aduk sampai gula larut.
3. Taruh roti di mangkuk, masukkan bahan cair, taruh nanas diatasnya, hias dgn batangan cinnamon.
4. Kukus 30 menit sampai matang.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Makaroni & ayam panggang

3 c makaroni
1 T olive oil
6 T mentega
1 bawang bombay, iris2
6 oz jamur
Fillet ayam 3 potong (gw pake paha atas boneless skinless)
Bechamel Sauce (liat resep dibawah)
2/3 c keju parmesan
tomat besar 2 (gue pas kebetulan hari ini punyanya cuma tomat kecil2 jd pake itu), iris2 tipis.
oregano atau italian seasoning
garam, merica

1. Rebus air, masak pasta sampai agak empuk (kira2 7 menit). Angkat dari api, tiriskan, masukkan 2 T mentega. Campur.
2. Di panci agak besar, masukkan 4T mentega, panaskan sampai lumer, masukkan bawang bombay, aduk sampai layu, masukkan jamur dan ayam. Aduk2, masak sampai matang, masukkan garam & merica.
3. Masukkan 1 & 2 ke panci berisi Bechamel sauce. Aduk2 sampai rata. Pindahkan isi panci ke loyang yg sudah diolesi mentega. Taburkan keju parmesan diatasnya, hias dgn irisan tomat. Oleskan dgn olive oil, taburkan oregano/italian seasoning.
4. Panggang di api sedang selama 35 menit sampai atasnya kecoklatan.

Bechamel Sauce
Lelehkan 2 T mentega di panci besar, masukkan 1/4 c tepung terigu. Aduk2 sampai rata. Pelan2 masukkan 1 1/4 c susu hangat. Taburkan parsley dan 2 T bawang bombay yg telah di iris kecil2. Tambahkan garam, merica, dan pala bubuk. Aduk2 di api kecil.

Friday, February 09, 2007

White chocolate almond stacks

Elements by Lie Fhung at ztampf.com

Recipe from "Family Circle" Magazine (Nov. 29, 2006 issue). Originally the recipe calls for green food coloring and green glace cherries but I replaced it with red food coloring and maraschino cherries.

Makes: 30 bars. Prep: 20 minutes. REFRIGERATE: overnight.

12 ounces white chocolate
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1/2 t salt
1/2 t almond extract

6 large egs
1 1/4 c all-purpose flour
1/2 maraschino cherries, chopped
red liquid food coloring
1/4 c apple jelly
3 T heavy cream

1. Line two 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pans with nonstick foil, extending 2 inches over short ends.
2. Break up chocolate; in small bowl, microwave 6 ounces of the chocolate on HIGH for 1 minute; stir. Continue microwaving in 15-seconds intervals, stirring until melted.
3. Heat oven to 350 F. In large bowl, beat together butter, sugar, salt and almond extract until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. On low speed, beat in flour until blended; you should have about 5 cups batter. Stir in melted white chocolate untl smooth, then chopped cherries. Spread half the batter into one pan. Tint remaining batter with food coloring and evenly spread into second pan.
4. Bake layers at 350 F for 18 minutes, until toothpick inserted in the centers comes out clean. Transfer pans to wire racks; cool 10 minutes. Turn cakes out onto racks; remove foil; cool completely.
5. Place white layer on a baking sheet. Spread with apple jelly. Top with red layer. Cover with plastic wrap and place a baking sheet on top. Weigh down with cans to compress. Refrigerate overnight.
6. In small bowl, microwave remaining 6 ounces white chocolate and cream on HIGH for 1 minute; stir until melted. Remove wrap from layers; spread top with white chocolate mixture. Refrigerate, uncovered, 15 minutes. Trim edges. Cut crosswise in 10 strips, each about 1 inch wide. Cut each strip crosswise into thirds for a total of thirty 2.5 x 1-inch bars.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Teddy Bear Pancakes

Utk. b'fast anak2 tadi pagi. Pake resep pancake mana aja. Utk bentuk: pake cookie cutter metal, olesi mentega ato semprot pake non-stick spray (crisco ato PAM).

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mini Crab Cakes

Yg ini gue karena penasaran aja pengen tau bikinnya karena udah sering makan dan sering beli yg frozen. Kalo ada hubby disini, pasti ngga bikin soale dia ngga doyan crabmeat hehe. Jangan ketipu ama embel2 'cakes' karena udah jelas2 ngga bisa diolesin buttercream.

Recipe from Family Circle (Nov. 29, 2006 issue)

1 pound fresh or packaged crabmeat
1/2 sweet red pepper, cored, seeded and finely diced
3 scallions, trimmed and chopped
2 eggs
1/3 c light mayonnaise
1/2 t salt
1/4 t black pepper
1/4 t dried tarragon, crumbled
1 c yellow cornmeal
6 T vegetable oil

Remoulade, recipe follows

1. Pick through crabmeat in a medium-size bowl to remove any pieces of shell or cartilage. Stir in red pepper, scallion, eggs, mayonnaise, salt, pepper and tarragon. And 1/2 cup of the cornmeal in a small bowl. Let mixture rest for 10 minutes.
Using 2 tablespoons mixture for each, form twenty-four 1-inch crab cake patties. Shape with your hands, then coat patties with remaining cornmeal.
3. Heat 3 tablespoons of the oil in a large skillet over medium to medium-high heat. Cook 12 of the crab cakes for 3 minutes. Flip over; continue to cook and additional 3 minutes. Repeat with remaining 3 tablespoons oil and remaining 12 crab cakes. Place on paper towels before serving with remoulade.

Remoulade: Stir together 1/2 cup light mayonnaise, 1 T fresh lemon juice, 2 t pickle relish, 2 t sugar and a dash of hot-pepper sauce.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Orange Chip Muffins

I made this after school today. Anak2 ikut bantuin. I put it in the oven pas mereka nap. Sesudah bangun, ini jadi jajan sore mereka. Texture nya empuk, rasanya nano-nano (manis, seger, asem, gurih).

Resep dari majalah Family Circle (edisi 29 Nov. 2006)

Makes: 24 muffins
Prep: 15 minutes
Bake: at 375 F for 20 minutes

3 cups flour
1 T baking powder
1 t baking soda
3/4 t salt
1 c sugar
1 c orange juice
2/3 c vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 can (11 ounces) mandarin oranges, drained and coarsely chopped
2/3 c mini chocolate chips

1 cup shredded coconut
1/3 cup sugar
2 T butter, melted

1. Heat oven to 375F. Place 24 paper or foil liner into 2 muffin pans.
2. In a large bowl, whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
3. In another large bowl, beat together sugar, orange juice, oil and eggs. On low, beat in the flour mixture until combined. Fold in the oranges and chocolate chips. Spoon batter equally into the lined muffin pans.
4. Topping: In a small bowl, stir together coconut, sugar and melted butter. Sprinkle evenly over top of the muffins.
5. Bake for 20 minutes.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Baru hari ini di rumah ada garlic lagi, setelah ber-minggu2 lewat. Artinya? Udah ber minggu2 ngga masak hehe.. gawat bener ya. Bikin kue iya, lauk yg libur terus.

First on the list:
Mie baso iga resepnya Dita

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Banana Chocolate Cake

Papers and elements by Lie Fhung at ztampf.com

Recipe (from iChef.com):
2 c All purpose flour
1 t baking soda
1/2 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
3/4 c bittersweet chocolate (I used four squares of valrhona bittersweet bar), grated
3 fully ripe bananas
1/4 c half-and-half
2 t vanilla extract
6 T unsalted butter at room temperature
2 T shortening
1 c ganulated sugar
2 eggs at room temperature

1. Butter or spray with non-stick spray a 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan; set aside. Preheat oven to 325 F.
2. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Place the grated chocolate in a bowl and stir 1 t of the sifted mixture; set aside. Mash bananas in a bowl and stir in half-and-half and vanilla; set aside.
3. In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream butter and shortening on moderate speed for 3 to 4 minutes. Raise speed to moderately high, add half of sugar and beat for 1 minute; add remaining sugar and beat 1 minute longer, scraping down sides and bottom of the bowl. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Blend in banana mixture on low speed. Fold in flour mixture just until particles of flour have been absorbed. Fold in chocolate.
4. Pour and scrape the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 1:10 until risen, golden brown on top and a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean and dry.
5. Cool on a rack for 3 to 4 minutes. Carefully remove from pan to cool right side up.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

One of my most favorite cake ever is the upside down pineapple cake. I can only eat one slice of chocolate cake, but I can eat one whole pan of this sucker in one day. I love the melted butter taste, the sticky brown sugar and the soft texture of the cake. This has become one of my comfort foods.

1/4 c. butter
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
1 c. cake flour
1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 c. butter, softened
1/2 c. milk
1 egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 can pineapple slices in syrup
maraschino cherries (as many as pineapple slices used)
Use an 8" square or round pan. Drain can of pineapple, saving the syrup.

Melt the butter in the microwave, don't overheat. Place in pan, spread on the bottom and sides.

Sprinkle brown sugar over melted butter. Arrange whole pineapple slices and cherries (with cherries in centers of pineapple slices) over the brown sugar in pan. Cut some of the remaining pineapple slices into half circles, then line the sides of the pan with them (standing up).

In a bowl, combine cake flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, softened butter, milk, egg, vanilla and 2 tablespoons of the pineapple syrup.

Pour batter into the pan being careful not to disturb the pineapples and cherries.

Bake at 375°F for 30 to 35 minutes or until cake is golden and has pulled away from the edges slightly.

Remove from oven and allow to stand for a few minutes to set and then turn it upside down onto a serving dish. Serve while still warm.


Ini bukan makanan.. eh ya bisa2 aja dimakan sih jadi es batu :P.. bikinnya pake air keran, food coloring dan cetakan silicon pan bentuk heart sama tempat telor. Gara2 liat si Susan (rissaniel.livejournal.com) bikin kemaren jadi ikut2an mumpung lagi having below zero temperature. Anak2 seneng banget bikinnya kemaren (langsung bikin di luar biar ngga ada acara tumpah2 di dalem rumah). Ngga sabar nunggu jadi...ngeliatin ke patio melulu. Abis ini kalo meleleh dijamin patio gw warna warni bekas food coloring.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Brownies Kukus Keju

Thanks Anne yg udah posting/share resepnya pak Sahak (makasih jg Pak Sahak). Sore tadi gue iseng bikin ini yg ternyata emang enak, mudah dan yg penting seisi rumah doyan.

Resep (measurement nya udah gue ganti jadi cups, T and t)

Bahan A :
3 eggs
2/3 cup sugar

Bahan B :
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1.5 T cornstarch
1 t salt
3 T milk powder

Bahan C :
8 oz cream cheese at room temp.
6 T butter at room temp.

Cara Membuat :
1. Kocok bahan A sampai mengembang.
2. Masukan bahan B lalu aduk sampai rata.
3. Kocok bahan C sampai halus kemudian masukan keadonan lalu aduk sampai rata.
4. Tuang keloyang lalu kukus kurang lebih 20 menit.